Mel Menker was in Nicaragua from April 12-19, 2012, meeting and working with Dr. David Ford of World Harvesters and the staff from the House of Hope orphanage. Mel also worked with pastors in Leon, Managua and Waspam, Nicaragua, as we established 33 new More Than Conquerors Bible Institute extension campuses to train indigenous pastors to become fully trained to reach the people they serve. Mel traveled to Waspam, home of the orphanage, and experienced the live day-to-day operation of the children’s ministry.
See video below of the ministry in Waspam,
The Staff and Teachers of the More Than Conquerors School in El Crucero. There are 350 children in grades K-12. The Education is free, supported my donantions from around the world.
The orphanage containing children from Waspam, located at the educational complex in El Crucero.
Mel had the privilege of speaking with the junior and senior high youth at the school on a topic of importance that youth face in today’s world, accompanied by translator Joseph.
Mel and Dr. Ford attended a crusade hosted by Reverend Charlie Bennett from Hopewell, VA, in Leon, Nicaragua on Friday evening.
There were approximately 5,000 in attendance at the Friday night event and over 10,000 on Saturday evening. Many came to Christ, others were healed, still more were delivered from demonic influences and some were touched by the power of the Holy Spirit.
On Saturday, Pastor Bennett, Dr. Ford and Mel met with some of the area pastors in the city of Leon to discuss the possibility of extension campuses for More Than Conquerors to serve pastors, leaders and churches. Three churches committed that day.
On Sunday evening, Mel delivered the message to the congregation at Iglesia Sinai De El Salto San Rafael del Sur in Nicaragua with the help of translator Joseph.
On Monday, Mel flew out to the rain forest community of Waspam across the country on the northeast coast of the Atalantic Ocean, along the Rio Coco. This was an opportunity to connect with the work with the indigenous Miskito people of the rain forest.
The main dock at Waspam on the Rio Coco. The dugout canoes are the normal mode of transportation up and down the river.
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble… (James 1:27)
“Downtown” Waspam.
Getting construction supplies for work at the orphanage site.
The new girls’ orphanage under construction in the Miskito community of Kisalaya, a couple of miles west of Waspam.
The new 26′ hand dug well on the site of the new orphanage in Kisalaya.
The radio tower constructed at the orphanage site to be used to braodcast training for pastors and church leaders as well as religious programming.
Probable location of the radio station on the property.
Getting weighed at the Waspam airport to see what can travel on the 12 passenger single propeller plane today.
After returning to El Crucero, Mel and Dr. Ford met with the new national coordinator for MTC in Nicaragua who informed us that 30 additional churches in Managua were committed to creating extension campuses as well, bringing the total in one week to 33. Praise the Lord!