Our Mission

The “Community Freedom Ministry” at divine hope church solely exists to provide a way to minister to the afflicted, the brokenhearted, and the prisoners.

Spiritual freedom is meant for every follower of Jesus, young or old. Being “free in Christ” is to have the desire and power to worship God and do His will. It is to know God’s truth, believe God’s truth, and live according to God’s truth. It is to experience a life full of love, joy and peace. It is not a life of perfection, but progress!

Does it feel like LIFE is STACKED AGAINST YOU?

Our Community Freedom Ministry can help. We’re here to help. But you have to ask for it! Call the church at 240-321-4673 or Pastor Jason Buckley at 301-334-1608.


(The Steps To Freedom)

Our daily victory is at stake if we fail to understand who we are in Christ and live according to that truth.

Do we realize we are in a spiritual battle?
Do we realize that the battle is for our mind?
Do we realize that opposing thoughts can only control us if we let them?

We offer the “Steps To Freedom In Christ” which can be used by anyone who desires to be “spiritually free”. By going through the “steps” you will take a thorough look at your life to get radically right with God. If you are open and honest during this time, you will greatly benefit by becoming right with God and close to Him again. Contact Pastor Jason Buckley, our Community Freedom Ministry Associate, for more information (301-334-1608).

"Although I was nervous and admittedly reluctant at first, I am so glad I was able to be a part of "The Freedom In Christ Ministry." The peace that I felt from giving all of my sins to Christ is priceless. Just this seemingly simple step has increased my faith exponentially."